
Network Troubleshooting


Inevitably in the life of a DBA you end up having to check if a device, server or database is available through a network. What follows are time tested techniques to debug a network connection issues.


  • Can the server be reached?
    ping <hostname or IP>
    ping mydbsvr
  • Can the port be reached?
    telnet <ip or hostname> <portnumber>
    telnet mydbsvr 1521
    • If successful you will get a blank screen (waiting for telnet commands).
    • If not successful it will look like this:
      Connecting to mydbsvr ... Could not open connection to host...
  • Can you connect via Oracle's TNS (Transparent Network Substrate)?
    tnsping <tnsnames.ora service name>
    %ORACLE_HOME%\bin\tnsping oradb1
  • Can you connect via Oracle's sqlplus?
    sqlplus.exe <username>/<password>@<tnsnames.ora service name>
    %ORACLE_HOME%\bin\sqlplus.exe scott/tiger@oradb1


  • Turn off any network firewall rules that are interfering.
  • Turn off any host firewalls that are interfering.
  • Turn off any any virus scanning options that blocking the port (1521 etc.).
  • Paping.exe can be used to ping ports much easier than using telnet or when telnet is disabled.

Direct Connection Examples

 sqlplus sys/go@'(DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST=rac-scan)
    (SERVER=DEDICATED)))' as sysdba

 sqlplus sys/go@'(DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST=rac-scan)
    (SERVER=DEDICATED)))' as sysdba

    (SERVER=DEDICATED)))' as sysdba

Lines split for ease of viewing.