WampServer is a Web development platform on Windows that allows you to create dynamic Web applications with Apache2, PHP, MySQL and MariaDB. WampServer automatically installs everything you need.
- Install VC Redist then reboot.
- DL PHP Generator for MySQL Lite Edition.
- Create dir for apps\scripts.
Ex: C:\wamp64\www\app1
Run: wampserver3.2.0_x64.exe
- English - Accept: Lic Agreement - Info Screen, i.e. use defaults. - Location: c:\wamp64 - Select Components -- Use Defaults - example: [x] Apache 2.4 [x] PHP 7.3\7.4, MariaDB 10.4 [x] Applications: PhpMyAdmin... - Start Menu Folder: Wampserver64 [Install] Information wamp(64)\instructions_for_use.rtf or wamp(64)\instructions_for_use.pdf [Finish] Dbl-Click icon to start.
- http://localhost - Set as default page. - Test PHP by clicking: phpinfo() - Run phpmyadmin and ensure connection ot DB ok. Username: root Password: <NONE> -> press [Go] -- Select test DB and creat tables as needed. /Structure Create table: Name: x15 [Go] Ex: x15_pk SMALLINT UNIQUE A_I (aka Autmo Increment) Popup Size: 6 [Go] >>> I actuall used no value here. updated DATE Default=CURRENT_TIME Title TINYTEXT Detail MEDIUMTEXT [Go]
PHP Generator for MySQL Lite Edition
Run: mysql_phpgenerator_lite_setup.exe - Welcome - Accept: Lic Agreement - Info [Next] - Destination Location: C:\Program Files (x86)\SQL Maestro Group\PHP Generator for MySQL Lite - Start Menu Folder: SQL Maestro Group\PHP Generator for MySQL Lite - [x] Create a desktop icon [Install]...[Finish]
Connection Dialog
Host: localhost Port: 3306 Username: root Password: database name: test Ex: Create test app and Output dir to: C:\wamp64\www\app1
To Get Rid Notification
If Lite version, to get rid of this notification in the future:
- Open the project file
- Go to the 4th step of the wizard
- Click the "Edit user JavaScript button."
- Remove all code.
Then regenerate the application.