

<- QuickStarts


The following covers MySQL CE 5.6 installation on a Windows 2008 R2 for a development environment. Change as required for your environment. A production environment would of course not use the default database\file location etc.



1. As a user with administrative rights, run the MySQL installer.
   Example: mysql-installer-community-
2. Welcome
   Install MySQL Products
3. License Agreement
   [x] I accept...
4. Find latest products.
   [x] Skip the check... (if your system cannot access the Internet)
5. Choosing a Setup Type
   (x) Custom
    Use default file paths if dev system.
6. Feature Selection
   Disable all except:
   [x] MySQL Server
   Note: phpMyAdmin will be used.
7. Check Requirements
8. Installation Progress
9. Configuration

   Configuration 1\3
      Server Config Type: Development Machine (This ensures minimal RAM and resource footprint.)
      [x] Enable TCP/IP Networking
          Port Number: 3306
      [x] Open Firewall port for network access

   Configuration 2\3
      MySQL Root Password: *****

      MySQL user Accounts
         Add User -> Username: dev
                     Password: ***** 
                     Accept defaults for rest.

   Configuration 3\3
      Windows Service Name: MySQL56
      [x] Start the MySQL Server at System Startup
      (x) Standard System Account


1. Copy phpMyAdmin files to a dedicated directory.
   Ex: ...\htdocs\app\phpMyAdmin
2. Init Config dir.
   a. Create dir as PHP user: ...\htdocs\app\phpMyAdmin\config
   b. Set OS permissions to allow full control of that dir.
3. Run initial configuration\setup.
   Navigate to: http://localhost\app\phpMyAdmin\setup\index.php
4. Initial Login
   Navigate to: http://localhost\app\phpMyAdmin
   Username: dev          
   Password: ***** (password used in previous section for dev)

<- QuickStarts